This winter season’s cold count: 3

16 12 2007

 Yep, I got sick again.  My 3rd cold since it started getting cold this year.  blah.  So, because I was feeling pretty …  blah today had to cancel my plans with Peter to go to Nikko.  Maybe during New Year’s holidays.

So, just updating the dental situation, I got a filling just over a week ago done.  The dentist said that if I had sensitivity for more than a couple of days its likely that I’ll have to get a root canal done.  To be honest, I have had sensitivity since then, but Im still trying to decide if its a problem.  Since i think it might have been caused by the damage he did to my gum will giving me the filling!  He literally rubbed it raw, and its still not 100% healed.  But I think further work can wait til I visit Aus again.

Last night we had our work Christmas party with all the students.  There were about 50 people there in total, and it was pretty good fun.  As usual I didn’t get to eat or drink enough because I was too busy talking…  but what can you do?  And afterwards we went to Karaoke until late in the night.  In retrospect I really should have skipped karaoke since I was coming down with a cold.  But goodtimes were had by all.

I think thats all for now.  need to get some work done on my new years cards….

cookies for anyone guessing that picture

just a quickie…

3 12 2007

gee, i cant believe how behind i am….  well anyway.

Sunday was the JLPT so now that’s all over I can move on to other things.  I think I did alright.  Will get the results in mid-Feb.  TouDai was similar to QUT in that the campus was just full of buildings.  not all that exciting in the end.

This morning I woke up and had nothing to do.  Felt strange.  but Im sure I’ll put something else on my plate soon.  Still, twas nice to have no study that needed to be done..

went to the dentist yesterday becuase I was worried about one of my teeth.  and my worry was founded.  I have a cavity.  blah.  thats going to be fixed on friday morning.  But the troubling thing is that its close to the nerve tissue, so it’s possible that I might have to get a root canal done.  Pray that’s not the case please!