tuesdays with michele

16 12 2008

Well, its been a while since I’ve done a proper blog.  And boredom is really hitting me this afternoon (or should I say procrastination).  Hence a bit of an update.

December 7th was the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), so leading up to that much time was spent on studying, not that I have much of a chance of passing.  This year I took level 2, for which I should know about 1000 kanji, 6000 words, and have studied for around 600 hours.  I probably have studied for about 600 hours, but languages are hard for me.  I don’t like memorizing, and really, thats what languages are about (or should I say a big part of learning them).  Don’t get me wrong.  I love Japanese, and I can function in society, but I really should try and learn new words and kanji, and use correct grammar.  Anyway, now I have a better idea of what I need to do to pass level 2, so next year fingers crossed!

On the subject of the JLPT, they are actually restructuring the format of the tests, which while I think is a great idea, hopefully won’t affect me one bit.  What they are going to do is insert another level between level 3 and level 2.  This is to make the jump to level 2 a bit easier.  Compared to the figures I quoted above, for level 3 you only need 300 kanji, 1000 words, and approximately 300 hours of study.  So this new level is a good idea.  Hopefully it wont affect me because they are introducing it in 2010, and by then, I hope to have level 2.

So, my Japanese teacher has recommended that I start reading Japanese books.  She says this will help a lot with the kanji and vocab problems I have.  Soooo, when I was at a book store the other day I picked up a book and a magazine.  Both, and if you know me well you won’t be surprised, about walks.  The book I am pretty excited about.  Its a guide book about walks near and around the Tobu Railway lines.  As I live on the Tobu Isezaki line it’s perfect for me.  Heaps of interesting walks near, or easily accessible to me.  The magazine is about strolls around Tokyo, but it’s more of a guide book, recommending things to see or eat (in the Japanese tradition).  Anyway, plan to do some walking on days with good weather this vacation.

Speaking of walking.  You might have noticed the maps I’ve been posting.  Sorry, but this blog has become a bit of a dumping ground for the maps I make at work.  Anyway, what I am going to do is actually start my own homepage eventually for walks and hikes around Tokyo.  Hopefully that will be happening sometime soon.

As for work, well, I’m pretty much on winter vacation already.  Tomorrow being the last day I have to go to work this year.  I don’t have many plans for the vacation, but the big excitement is I will be having a Christmas lunch at my house this coming Tuesday.  I’m really excited, and I have some grand plans for what I want to make.  Cooking, as well as hiking and reading, is one of my favourite things to do.  Even better if its for friends and yummy!  The plan – Roast Chicken breast, boiled pork, roast veggies and gravy, stuffing, rumballs, fruit mince tarts, and Christmas pudding.  Its going to be great!

And lastly, had a straight perm the other day.  Don’t really look like myself at all.  When I take a picture I’ll link it…  its really really straight.